Students from the department of Visual Communication visited Hong Kong for a week in May 2017. This exhibition offers an insight in various interpretations and impressions and is like the city itself: turbulent, multilayered and individual. From photography, to sound and installations – you can find anything!
Supervised by:
Tina Frank, Marianne Pührerfellner, Gerhard Umhaller
With exhibits from:
Kathrin Aigner & Isabel Erlebach, Christoph Breiner, Valerie Danzer, Theres Duschlbauer, Nina Huber, Stella Kucher, Simon Liesinger, Barbara Oppelt, Hana Oprešnik, Valentina Recheis, Katharina Sandri, Julia Singer, Sophia Wäger, Julia Winter
Grafic design:
Sophia Wäger, Stella Kucher and Simon Liesinger
Porject management:
Isabel Erlebach