Since 2015 I have my own bees.
I started beekeeping in Vienna (beekeeping club Floridsdorf) and
continued since my move back to Linz 2016 (beekeeping club Pichling).

You can reach me via e-mail:

Slide - Beekeeper

Linz: childhood and youth

Vienna: Corporate Communication (Bachelor),
internship at juicy pool. communication
Utrecht: semester abroad

Graz: Information Design (Bachelor),
internship at Red Bull Media House

Vienna: Freelance at Terra Mater Magazin, beekeeping

Amsterdam: internship at Waag Society

Linz: ICT-Teacher education (Bachelor)

[CURRENT] Visual Communication (Master)
+ Educational Media (Master)
adult education trainer at the BFI OÖ, beekeeping

You can reach me via e-mail:

Slide - Isabel Erlebach